Safety and Environment
The company complies with all the rules by terms of Law Decree number 81, with the “Safety Document” and with the following fulfilments: information to the Control Agencies, appointment of the people in charge, achievement of the qualification issued from the occupational safety and health course.
- The INPS Insurance Number is 2201396719-03.
- The INAIL Insurance Number is 8573365.
Company complies with the current regulation, following the rules UNI – DIN – ISPESL – AINSI, etc.
All the machinery comply with the “Machinery Directive”, under the Italian President Decree 459/96, in compliance with the Directives 89/392/CEE etc. The company also complies with the Law Decree 494/94 concerning the “Movable and Temporary Construction Sites” for implementation of directive 92/57/CEE.
If necessary, we issue proper Certification in compliance with the Decree 37/08, certifying the best requirements.
We really care about respecting the environment, therefore our Company provides an accurate management of our own waste.
The list of waste, drawn and updated by the Quality Manager and approved by the Direction, shows the different types of special waste produced by Elettrosud L.t.d. during the operating procedures of Installation and Maintenance of MT/BT Electrical Systems; the relative European Waste Catalogue (EWC) codes, the state of matter, the waste disposal procedures and the waste assignees. According to the identification of the produced waste, we carry out the following activities:
Location of the suitable areas where gathering the temporary waste stockpiling;
Writing a protocol for every business sector producing waste about the procedures of waste collection and localization of waste stockpiling areas;
Clarifying whom is in charge of the waste disposal (Waste Management Companies);
Requesting for a supplier for the disposal of the particular waste.
The company waste separation and collection are carried out according to the following criteria:
- The possible dangerousness;
- The state of matter;
- The possibility to reuse or recycle.
Waste collection and stockpiling are carried out by the Teamwork Manager or by the staff, the stockpiling is carried out through proper containers or available external areas.
The containers and areas are properly localized and bear information about the waste type which they are meant for.
The waste that can be treated as urban waste (the ones which are not on the list of waste) are disposed in the external bounding fence built by the local administration in order to increase the urban waste separation. The reclaimed materials and the machinery that can’t be treated as urban waste, which disposal procedures and relative assignees weren’t arranged (the ones that weren’t on the list of waste), shall be identified as not environmentally compliant and managed accordingly.
Moreover, Elettrosud is on the provincial register of the companies dealing with the activities of reclamation of the ceramic and inert waste, including the railway traverses and concrete poles, with business registration number 36.